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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Benivo Blog

Unleashing the Power of Generative AI for Global Mobility

The explosive growth of generative AI is creating waves of excitement and apprehension in the workplace. But for global mobility professionals, this disruptive technology presents an opportunity to reimagine their role and deliver even greater value.

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Managing Ambiguity in Global Mobility

As a global mobility professional, you will inevitably face periods of ambiguity and uncertainty—whether it's due to mergers and acquisitions, changes in leadership, economic volatility, or global disruptions. Having the right mindset and strategies to navigate ambiguity is crucial for maintaining operational excellence and supporting your mobile employees.

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Immigration Implications of South Africa's Upcoming Elections

With critically important national elections happening at the end of this month in South Africa, there are some key immigration implications that employers need to be aware of.

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The Rise of Digital Nomad Visas Around the World

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new era of remote work, with employees untethering from physical offices. This shift has created a booming trend of "digital nomads" — people who can work from anywhere with just a laptop and internet connection. However, this new way of working clashed with traditional immigration frameworks as remote workers started living in countries other than their own.

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Managed Budgets: The "Goldilocks" Solution for Global Mobility

If you're involved in global mobility, you've likely heard about the growing trend of "managed budgets" as an approach to handling relocation policies and employee moves. Managed budgets aim to strike a balance between two extremes: the complete flexibility of lump-sum payments versus the rigid structure of traditional relocation policies.

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