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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

IT Engineers

When billable hours are at stake, efficiency is critical.

Every hour counts.

Your ability to get your team to productivity with a client fast, efficiently and on-budget gives you a strategic edge to win the bid. That's why Benivo technology is built to save time for mobility and employees -  to help you delight your clients.


Time equals money.

Employee spend time managing their relocation. Employees reach out to manager and colleagues for support, who also, in turn, spend time helping the relocation. Benivo brings all the new destination insights, along with service star ratings and reviews to your employees fingertips so you can protect their time, your time and the project team's time.  


Support everyone, including spouses. 

In addition to your employees, you and your project team - the other major stakeholder in the move is the trailing partner or spouse. Often, budgets don't support providing traditional spousal support packages. With Benivo, you no longer need to make the choice. A full digital destination support experience for the spouse is included, free, with a purchased Benivo license. It covers moving, the destination, career development, schooling, social networks and more. Your employees invite their spouse in and you cover duty of care for the whole family. 


Pair with on-the-ground services when needed. 

Enable access to 3rd party, on-the-ground, service providers you work with through Benivo for the regions and employee populations that require it. Benivo is vendor agnostic and will work with any vendor and any vendor network you choose. If HR approves it, employees get access on Benivo. 


No more pain about opening bank accounts.

One of the biggest nuisances endured by IT engineers is the frustration about not being able to open a bank account without an address, and not being able to get accommodation without a bank account to pay first month's rent and deposit. PayLater by Benivo solves it by giving the employee an interest-free cash advance for upfront housing costs. They simply repay by instalments after they are on payroll and receiving local salary. 


Free tools to eliminate repetitive work and processes. 

Digital briefs automate and optimise repetitive pre-move consultations delivered by phone. Your consultants should spend time solving problems, not delivering the same basic information over and over. Automagic forms eliminate duplicate data entry, eSignatures eliminates paper signatures and vendor initiations automate service authorisations -- all free for Global Mobility, paid for by relocation support for your the employee.  


Learn more about Benivo

Save 30-70% on overall costs. Increase employee NPS scores by >50%.


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