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Top 100 Women Leaders in Global Mobility - Now Open for Nominations!

Our Future Leaders

Interns and recent graduates are the future leaders of the workforce which is why we're dedicated to ensuring their transition into their new role is as smooth and supportive as possible.

Leading employers have stopped using traditional methods to manage their early career program, and instead, they choose a dedicated solution that delivers a wow experience and results with a 50% increase in NPS. From the moment they say "yes" to your offer, through relocating, and during their first 100 days, Benivo is here to help them navigate every step with confidence and ease.

5 great reasons to support the welcome experience for early careers hires

Why companies choose the Benivo Early Career Experience

Relocation in IT Engineering

Relocation Support

  • Self-Service Guides
  • Scam protection  
  • Digital Destinations  
  • Digital policy briefs

Payments & DEI&B

  • Financial support for up-front costs via PayLater  - Removes financial employment barriers
  • Automated expense reimbursement and allowance payments - Supports flexible travel modes and reduces exceptions
Features_Relocation allowance

Community Building

  • Roommate finder - Connect interns within the same cohort with similar housing needs
  • Carpooling - Eco-friendly & social travel & commute planning tool
  • Engaging recruits from offer acceptance
  • TeamTalk - Instant messaging between interns

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