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Top 100 Women Leaders in Global Mobility - Now Open for Nominations!

Deliver a consumer-grade experience to your employees to help them settle in in all your global locations, including star ratings, reviews, tips, and a beautiful user experience. Destination Services come built-in to the Benivo platform for all your global locations —Area Orientation, Housing, Settling-In, Culture & Language, Lifestyle and more.



Interactive tools for your employees to master the market with tips and star ratings from their colleagues including: Where to live, norms for prices, accommodation types and commuting, where and how to search the market, managing viewings, negotiating prices, passing referencing, understanding your contract and local renting laws and avoiding scams & frauds.

Country Settling-In

From opening a bank account, choosing a mobile plan, registering with local authorities or changing a driving license for a US domestic move. We have it covered. Easy to use briefs to ensure your employees are prepared before their start date. Bonus - employees can use Social Insights to learn from their colleagues' experiences.

Making Global Mobility Strategic

Culture, language & lifestyle

Benivo provides extensive support to help individuals adapt to new environments by offering cultural and language training, including language courses and cultural orientation to enhance communication with locals. These resources ensure a smooth transition to new locations, reducing the stress and challenges associated with self-initiated moves.

Partner Support

Benivo's Partner Platform is designed to provide a seamless and supportive experience for employees' spouses, ensuring they feel welcomed and integrated into their new environment. This dedicated platform offers unique content and insights tailored specifically for partners, including modules on family life, career opportunities, education, and local lifestyle. With features like home-finding support, neighborhood exploration tools, and interactive checklists, the Partner Platform helps partners feel welcome.


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