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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Studies & Reports

2024 Big Tech Interns Mobility Benchmark

Studies & Reports

2024 Big Tech Interns Mobility Benchmark

Benivo Benchmark Report

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2024 International Mobility Benchmark

Studies & Reports

2024 International Mobility Benchmark

Benivo Benchmark Report

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2023 Benivo Domestic U.S. Relocation

Studies & Reports

2023 Benivo Domestic U.S. Relocation

Benivo Benchmark Report

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Core-Flex Mobility Policy Benchmark Report - 2023

Studies & Reports

Core-Flex Mobility Policy Benchmark Report - 2023

Benivo Benchmark Report

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Employee-Initiated Moves - Pulse Survey - 2023

Studies & Reports

Employee-Initiated Moves - Pulse Survey - 2023

Benivo Pulse Survey Report

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Remote Work Benchmark Report - August 2022

Studies & Reports

Remote Work Benchmark Report - August 2022

Benivo Benchmark Report

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Remote Work Benchmark Report

Studies & Reports

Remote Work Benchmark Report

Benivo Benchmark Report

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India Domestic Relocation 2022

Studies & Reports

India Domestic Relocation 2022

Benivo Strategy Council Benchmark Report

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Flexibility in Mobility

Studies & Reports

Flexibility in Mobility

A benchmark survey by AIRINC & Benivo

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9 Step Core-Flex Playbook

Studies & Reports

9 Step Core-Flex Playbook

To Design and Implement Core-Flex

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International Relocation in APAC

Studies & Reports

International Relocation in APAC

Benivo Strategy Council Benchmark Report

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U.S.A. Domestic Relocation

Studies & Reports

U.S.A. Domestic Relocation

Benivo Strategy Council Benchmark Report

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Future of Entry-Level Mobility

Studies & Reports

Future of Entry-Level Mobility

Study summary by AIRINC and Benivo. Our study earned participation from 99 global organisations.

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Benivo Template for Employee Feedback- Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Studies & Reports

Benivo Template for Employee Feedback- Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score is a powerful method for assessing and tracking the return on experiences you deliver.

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Quantifying the Mobility Experience with Net Promoter Score

Studies & Reports

Quantifying the Mobility Experience with Net Promoter Score

NPS is now the preferred metric of many major corporations.

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Complete Employee Experience Series

Studies & Reports

Complete Employee Experience Series

Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Benivo Employee Experience Series compiled.

Read the White Paper