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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Hire Globally (Part 1)

There is a world of opportunity outside our borders. If you are a company in Europe and you aren’t actively recruiting junior staff internationally, you’re missing out on a huge pool of talent and diversity.

In this 18-page white paper targeted at In-House Recruiters, HR professionals and Top Management in mid-sized and large companies, we make a strong case for expanding your hiring across your national borders.
Gain an advantage against your competitors by investing in the most important asset - your people. Get the best person for the job, no matter where they currently may be.

In this white paper, you will read:

  • About our own journey of coming to the conclusion that we have to hire globally
  • Why "good enough" is not good enough when it comes to hiring
  • How to avoid application overwhelm when expanding your hiring net
  • Why this is not only relevant for specialised skills, but across the board
  • Lots of good arguments against the most common objections to hiring globally
  • A mind-bending reinterpretation of an ancient fairytale
  • Why Brexit doesn’t matter
  • And lots more

Get Part 1 of the Hire Globally white paper here.

Matthew Chic


Matthew Chic

Created on 12-2-2017