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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Balancing Flexibility and Consistency in Employee Mobility Programs

Highly successful employee mobility programs today thrive on a careful blend of flexibility, adaptability, consistency, and equitability. This balance can be achieved through strategic utilization of technology and clear expectation setting about policy limitations and maximum assignment durations. With an investment in process automation, mobility teams can achieve a seamless integration between the employee choices inherent to today’s flexible policy structures, cost estimates, reporting, and benefit communications such as relocation offer letters/ letters of assignment. 

Adapting to Business Needs: The Strategic Role of Offer Letters and Letters of Assignment

Offer letters and assignment letters are dynamic instruments allowing for the accommodation of unique situations such as tax compliance issues, budget constraints, local nuances or competitive talent scenarios. While the mobility policy sets the stage by outlining possible provisions and the parameters of allowable employee choices, letters confirm the approved benefits for each specific case. Beyond administrative functions, these documents empower businesses to tailor their mobility programs to unique scenarios without veering away from established policy guidelines.

Expanding Technology's Role: From Benefit Selection to Reporting

Technology is a potent ally in ensuring consistency and equitability while managing the flexible application of mobility benefits. An effective way to leverage technology is through a core-flex policy structure that allows employees to choose benefits based on their needs. Automated systems can aid businesses in the consistent application of benefits for different scenarios, eliminating subjective interpretations and maintaining equitability. Beyond automated letter generation, these systems can generate cost estimates and provide comprehensive reporting, enabling businesses to track benefit usage patterns over time. This data-driven approach offers valuable insights for future policy decisions, showcasing how technology's reach extends beyond initial implementation to ongoing policy refinement.

Clarifying Expectations: Assignment Durations and Benefit Extensions 

Setting explicit expectations about assignment durations and the scope of benefit extensions is a cornerstone of effective mobility management. Increasing cost-consciousness necessitates stricter enforcement of end dates or a shift to localization approaches after a strictly defined maximum assignment term. The trend among companies focused on cost management is towards local packages without traditional compensation elements or gradually phasing out expatriate compensation as assignees adjust to the costs of their host locations.

Conclusion: Finding the Balance in Mobility Programs

The success of mobility programs hinges on striking the right balance between flexibility and consistency. With the strategic use of technology to integrate offer and assignment letters, cost estimates, reporting and benefit communications businesses can adapt to unique situations while ensuring consistent and equitable application of benefits. Coupled with clear expectations about assignment durations and benefit extensions, these strategies help businesses build mobility programs that successfully cater to both mobile employees and business objectives. This balanced approach creates a harmonious alignment between meeting unique employee needs and overarching business requirements.

Contact Benivo’s Client Advisory team today to request a free consultation. Our experienced advisors stand ready to offer insights into effective strategies for optimizing the performance of your mobility program. 

Russ Haynie


Russ Haynie

Created on 3-8-2023