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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Benivo Blog

Nitzan Yudan

CEO at Benivo
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Recent Posts

A New Blueprint for Global Mobility

At Benivo, we've been listening to our customers' challenges — too many layers, lack of transparency, reactive approach, and the desire to be mobility experts, not IT experts. That's why we've developed a new blueprint called Relocation Services + Mobility Tech.

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Financial Times: Tech Champions 2022

Thank you Financial Times and Workday for choosing Benivo as one of the 5 companies shortlisted as the 2022 Tech Champions — companies using technology to meet today’s business challenges.

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Introducing a New Benivo - new features, add-ons and capabilities.

We are excited to announce a new chapter for the company and introduce a new Benivo - a single product with many use cases to save costs, save time, improve compliance and improve employee experience.


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1 Award, 5 Nominations, 1 Special Moment

Another great week for Benivo. We won an award, got nominated for another 5 awards, and most importantly — received an exceptional gesture from a client employee that warmed our hearts.

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Benivo is Shortlisted for FEM APAC EMMAs 2018

We are excited to be shortlisted by the FEM APAC EMMAs for two prestigious awards: “Most Innovative Use of Technology in Global Mobility” and “Global Mobility Professional of the Year”.

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