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The Results Are In! Employee-Initiated Moves Pulse Survey

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, employee-initiated moves have become increasingly prevalent. Whether it's driven by family reasons, career advancement, or remote work opportunities, these moves have significant implications for organizations.

To shed light on this emerging trend, we conducted a comprehensive Pulse Survey in April 2023. We received participation from 60 global mobility program managers across diverse industries and company headquarter locations. The survey findings are now available, and they provide valuable information on the prevalence and impact of employee-initiated moves.

Here's a glimpse of what we discovered:

  • Increase in Employee-Initiated Moves: The majority of organizations reported a rise in employee-initiated moves during 2022, indicating a shifting landscape in talent mobility.
  • Primary Drivers: Family reasons emerged as the top motivator for employees seeking to relocate, highlighting the significance of work-life balance and personal commitments.
  • Varied Support Approaches: Interestingly, not all organizations currently offer comprehensive mobility support for employee-initiated moves. This diversity in support strategies presents both opportunities and challenges.
  • Motivations for Mobility Support: The survey identified various motivations for providing mobility support, including aligning with talent strategies, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, and fostering employee satisfaction and retention.

Click here to download the complete report.

If you have questions on the report please contact us

Michelle Curran
Created on 24-5-2023