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Mobilizing the Modern Workforce: Business Travel Trends and Strategies

As we venture through the balance of 2023 and beyond, the future of business travel is being shaped by various emerging trends, reflecting changing corporate needs and attitudes, technologies, sustainability considerations, and shifts prompted by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. These developments call for a thoughtful reimagining of traditional business travel and require corporations to rethink their strategies.

Remote work and digital nomadism

One of the most significant trends affecting business travel is the rise of remote work and digital nomadism. The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for the mass adoption of remote work arrangements, with many companies discovering that a substantial proportion of their work can be accomplished remotely. This has reduced the need for in-person meetings and travel. Simultaneously, it has increased the prevalence of 'bleisure' travel — the combination of business and leisure — where employees work while exploring new destinations, with companies providing support for such arrangements.


Next, technology is playing a more significant role than ever. As digital transformation continues to sweep across industries, it has had a profound effect on business travel as well. Virtual and augmented reality technologies are maturing, offering alternatives to physical travel for meetings and site visits. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have also grown increasingly sophisticated, providing personalized experiences for business travelers, automating complex booking processes, predicting travel patterns, and managing risks.


Sustainability is another powerful trend shaping the future of business travel. Amid growing public awareness about climate change and regulatory pressure, corporations are under increasing scrutiny to reduce their carbon footprint, including their travel-related emissions. Corporations are expected to incorporate more sustainable practices into their travel policies, such as favoring green travel options, offsetting carbon emissions, and prioritizing meetings with less travel involved.

Health and safety

Moreover, health and safety have taken center stage in corporate travel decisions following the pandemic. Concerns about health risks related to travel have given rise to demand for higher cleanliness standards, better medical facilities, and comprehensive insurance coverage. Corporations are likely to prioritize partnerships with travel vendors that demonstrate a strong commitment to health and safety.

Corporations are expected to respond to these trends in several ways. For one, flexible work policies are likely to become a standard offering, reducing the necessity for regular business travel. Many corporations may invest in technological solutions that facilitate remote collaboration and virtual presence. These solutions can help reduce costs, enhance productivity, and lower the environmental impact associated with travel.

Russ Haynie


Russ Haynie

Created on 7-11-2023