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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

How important is Employee Experience when moving across borders?

Employee experience is very important and increasingly so — it's higher on the agenda in terms of priorities. A recent LinkedIn poll by Brian Friedman confirmed this to be true:

Poll results:

  • 4% Not on the radar
  • 3% Moderately important 
  • 93% Super important

The irony is that when asked about their experiences, the results highlighted that a lot of work needs to be done to enhance employee experience.

The poll results were:

  • 33% Bumpy 
  • 58% Ok/not great 
  • 9% Awesome 

Why is employee experience so important?

Employees are the companies asset. Changes like the great resignation show a decrease in loyalty — they are looking for change, new avenues, and they want to work the way they want. There are many changes that we need to accommodate to retain talent.

Employee experience specific to mobility

Enhancing employee experience for relocation is critical as they are leaving their entire comfort zone in their own country and moving to an unknown space in a new country. They need to have a great experience every step of the way. Otherwise they are not willing to travel. Post-pandemic it is important to address individual peoples needs as these are different for everyone. More flexible policy approaches encourage more people to travel.

Ramesh Phillips, former Director of Global Talent Mobility at Wipro commented that in his last organization they wanted to greatly improve the relocation process. Their entire end-to-end travel process for relocation was complicated, with many steps and layers and with all departments working in silos. They needed one solution for employees. They wanted to make it simple, seamless and tech driven so that all employees had the same experience. They simplified the process through Benivo's unified mobility platform.

Access the show recording to learn more about how to enhance the employee experience:


You can also access previous show recordings here.


Michelle Curran
Created on 29-11-2022