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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech


"Given how dependent we are on graduates turning up on day one, it is a huge benefit that graduates are not choosing to drop out after hire."

Russell Hobby, CEO, Teach First


Teachfirst engaged Benivo to help:

  • Build the excitement of joining the programme
  • Keep candidates warm
  • Provide a consistent pre-boarding experience

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It is very beneficial to be able to use Benivo alongside our own channels to communicate key messaging in an engaging way.

Russell Hobby, CEO

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Company Welcome: The Art & Science

20% of turnover happens inside 90 days. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can help.

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Reducing the burden on HR

Case Studies

Reducing the burden on HR

How Verizon+Benivo improve delivery of preboarding and arrival experiences.

Read the Case Study