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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Accommodation expense means stress - being out-of-pocket for the first few months. Many employers are stepping in with competitive benefits. In these 14 pages you'll find:

  • 7 alternatives to simply giving cash.
  • How we rank each in terms of Affordability, Tax Friendliness, Employee Friendliness and Employer Friendliness
  • An 8th alternative that takes the crown.

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Junior employees spend a lot on accommodation when they relocate - deposit and first month’s rent are due well before their first paycheck arrives. This can be a stressful experience.

Google 2015
Jumeirah Group

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Company Welcome: The Art & Science

20% of turnover happens inside 90 days. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can help.

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Relocation in IT Engineering

Relocation in IT Engineering

Research with the LBS community uncovers $8,000 per employee in hidden cost.

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Making Locations Stand Out

Case Studies

Making Locations Stand Out

PwC is committed to sharing the best of the life-work lifestyle in company locations

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