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WhatsApp Groups

Help employees connect with each other


Benivo believes that a strong sense of community can have significant positive impact on employee experience.


General guidelines

Benivo utilises WhatsApp to allow employees to make connections quickly and easily.

WhatsApp has 300 million daily active users worldwide, which makes it an extremely popular tool. It's also a tool that can be used on private devices, making it very accessible to employees even before day 1 at work.

Benefits to utilising WhatsApp groups:

  1. Providing employees an immediate channel to connect with others like them regardless of their work start date.
  2. Promote a highly social culture and boost the overall sense of community.
  3. Groups can be global, national or site based, with the option foe further segmentation based on employee type (i.e. one WhatsApp group for all New York interns and one WhatsApp group for all UK Assignees).
  4. For early career movers - provide a platform for employees to partner up for accommodation searches.


Employee platform experience

  1. An employee would see an action on the platform recommending them to join the WhatsApp group.
  2. The Action content would explain to the employee exactly which type of employees are invited to this group.
  3. Employees will receive a direct link where they opt in to WhatsApp terms and conditions.
  4. The groups are reviewed and monitored by the Benivo team.


Implementation is quick and easy and done by Benivo:

Download this template to define how you want groups to be created.

Provide these details to your Client Success Manager. Implementation can be live within 10 working days.


Last updated: Jan 3, 2020