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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

City ambassadors

A human element to the Social Insights concept


What is a City Ambassador?

Many employees who relocate value the ability to talk with a person who has relocated to the destination before or who lives there now. There are also people who love their home destinations and enjoy being a resource to help their colleagues. 

Benivo offers the Social Insights platform feature to help relocating employees get insights from their peers. The Social Insights feature gives star ratings, data points and free text reviews about vendors, support services and the city. 

With the City Ambassador feature Benivo engages your mover community to build an internal network of Social Insights City Ambassadors to bring a human connection element to the Benivo platform experience. 


How does it work?

Benivo works with you to invite past movers and enthusiastic locals to volunteer to be Ambassadors for their city. Volunteering to become a City Ambassador means that the employee understands moving is a stressful moment for their colleagues, personal connections can help, and that they are willing to be contacted if someone would like advice.

Benivo creates a Key Contact card on your Benivo platform for the City Ambassador and they will display it to your employees moving to that city. The initiative has been designed to work hand in hand with your internal ambassador programs.

City Ambassadors is a free add-on and does not cost anything to add to your platform. The goal in rolling-out the add-on is to achieve 1-3 location ambassadors for each of your locations, so all of your movers have the option to get in contact with a person if they’d like.

Last updated: December 29th, 2021