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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

This benchmark report analyzes the status of Supply Chain Cybersecurity in Global Mobility and provides important insights into key areas of concern, as well as available solutions.

👎 The bad news:

  • Solutions for protecting employee data in the Mobility industry are outdated and represent an extremely high risk
  • Employers are liable for employee data transferred down the supply chain, and for any data exposed in a data breach

According to the survey 40% of businesses reported a data breach due to a vendor or downstream vendor issue! 

 👍 The good news:

  • Awareness is high
  • There are specific steps that employers and vendors can take today to reduce the impact on their organization 

Download the benchmark report to learn more about:

  • Data breaches already impacting the mobility industry, and the negative consequences as a result
  • The liability of data breaches
  • How vendors can improve security measures
  • How your organization can reduce the risk and impact of a data breach by 97% without replacing existing vendors

Download the Benchmark Report

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