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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Domestic Relocation in India

A Benivo Strategy Council Benchmark Report

Update June 2022

India Domestic 2022

50% of HR leaders are not satisfied with the solutions currently in place to support domestic relocation in India.

Read Benivo's updated 2022 Benchmark Report to learn why and what the solutions are, along with insights from one-on-one confidential interviews with HR and Mobility leaders at 16 companies. You'll also get a benchmark on what packages are offered by companies, examine how the programs are managed and what technology is in use, and see how companies are making the choice between in-house and outsourcing.

If you are managing a domestic relocation program in India, you'll learn how you can save 15-20 hours of internal work per employee relocation. 

The updated report for 2022 includes information on packages provided to intern populations.

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