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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

The Benivo platform enables global mobility managers, HRBPs, relocating employees, and vendors to operate more effectively through a single end-to-end platform.

It eliminates duplicate data entry requirements, integrates to the immigration, tax, relocation and HRIS tech stack, gives self-serve workflows with integrated digital signature, is fully customizable per employee and per policy, serving to manage each parties expectations and deliver everyone a single platform to operate from.

Learn more about the Benivo Global Mobility Management System during this private demo, including a side by side comparison with other global mobility technology solutions on the market. 

You'll learn how new technology is enabling new approaches to policy delivery for employees, program administration for HR, SLA tracking and feedback review, vendor administration, smart cost estimates, and more. 

Get a free comparison chart of Benivo benchmarked against other providers when you sign up for this event today. 

Please note that this time will not work for everyone, however we are more than happy to schedule a one-to-one session that will work with your schedule. Click here to submit a request.