The View From The Top - Core-Flex: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Core-Flex is one of the most exciting developments in Global Mobility for many years. Its advocates are enthusiastically citing the benefits to employee experience and the opportunity to manage costs. But Core-Flex is not without its pitfalls, including potential complexity, compliance issues, and systems requirements.

Core-Flex is one of the most exciting developments in Global Mobility for many years. Its advocates are enthusiastically citing the benefits to employee experience and the opportunity to manage costs. But Core-Flex is not without its pitfalls, including potential complexity, compliance issues, and systems requirements.

Join us as we take a deep-dive into all the practical tips and challenges of implementing Core-Flex. Our special guests will be Dawn Starling and Russ Haynie. Dawn has previously managed Core-Flex programs both at Raytheon and Micron, and is currently in evaluation phase at Snowflake. Russ Haynie is Client Advisor at Benivo and will be revealing live on air his latest research survey findings into Core-Flex practices and policies.

Our conversation will be wide-ranging but will include:
* Is Core-Flex right for your organization?
* The impact on Employee Experience
* Are traditional programs too paternalistic?
* Using Core-Flex to manage cost
* Is Core-Flex too complex ?
* Issues and Pitfalls
* Managing Compliance risks
* What should be Core and what Flex?
* Points or Dollars
* Should you allow Cash alternatives?

We will also have our regular immigration update with Fragomen’s Julia Onslow-Cole and the latest Breaking News from around the industry.

Our show is live every Wednesday at 4pm UK time / 5 pm European. March 22 is however in that funny week when US clocks have moved forward but European clocks haven't. So for viewers in the US, the show this week will be at 12 Eastern rather than 11.